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* [https://www.instrumart.com/categories/6123/level-transmitters?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIk7vEjvKO7AIVgo7ICh0SzAdPEAAYASAAEgLNBvD_BwE#filters=f409-1404 Level Transmitters]
* [https://www.instrumart.com/categories/6123/level-transmitters?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIk7vEjvKO7AIVgo7ICh0SzAdPEAAYASAAEgLNBvD_BwE#filters=f409-1404 Level Transmitters]
* [http://www.sendo-sensor.com/products-lists-c-70.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI69O2lcaP7AIVgcDICh19fwevEAAYAiAAEgIcm_D_BwE Sendo Sensors for Water Pressure]
* [http://www.sendo-sensor.com/products-lists-c-70.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI69O2lcaP7AIVgcDICh19fwevEAAYAiAAEgIcm_D_BwE Sendo Sensors for Water Pressure]
* [https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Industrial-Scientific-Liquid-Level-Sensors/zgbs/industrial/306931011 AMAZON.com Industrial Liquid Level Sensors]
* [https://www.amazon.com/Submersible-Sensor-4-20mA-Transmitter-Measuring/dp/B07PXFPPMM AMAZON.com Sensor for Water Depth (Pressure)]
* [https://www.amazon.com/Submersible-Sensor-4-20mA-Transmitter-Measuring/dp/B07PXFPPMM AMAZON.com Sensor for Water Depth (Pressure)]

Latest revision as of 00:09, 30 September 2020


The level of the Lake varies after rain storms. It would be nice to know how much, and to be able to review this information remotely. A Raspberry Pi and a depth sensor should allow this to work given a fixed sensor at a "Known" depth. The idea being to determine how much water is above the sensor at any given time.

The Raspberry Pi doesn't have an on-board ADC so an additional circuit is required to register voltage increases from sensors.

Water Depth Sensors

Technology Behind Pressure Sensors

Possible Alternate Sensor Technology

  • Optomax Digital Liquid Level Sensor - It's a Binary On/Off switch, but could be used to detect the simple presence of water at a given level in or below a building. IE: Has water reached the joists? Is water inside the cabin?