Difference between revisions of "Home Automation"

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= Using a Raspberry Pi =
= Using a Raspberry Pi =
* [https://www.google.com/search?ei=agZcWuz8Nsnk_AaqmLCQCw&q=home+automation+using+raspberry+pi&oq=Home+Automation+&gs_l=psy-ab.3.0.0i67k1l2j0l8.13210.16985.0.18753. Google Search: Home Automation using Raspberry Pi]
* [https://diyhacking.com/raspberry-pi-home-automation/ Web Based Automation For Your Home with Raspberry Pi!]
* [https://diyhacking.com/raspberry-pi-home-automation/ Web Based Automation For Your Home with Raspberry Pi!]
= Concepts =
= Concepts =

Revision as of 01:44, 15 January 2018

I've got several Alexa Dot units and one smart bulb.

I've been stumbling across YouTube videos on creating custom switches for not a lot of money, so I'm going to start collecting them here.

Apparently SONOFF units are the golden child of the Home Automation world right now.

Using a Raspberry Pi


  • MQTT