Silent Install of EMC Networker

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  • To perform an unattended installation of NetWorker on windows
  • To perform an unattended installation of NetWorker to a non default location on windows


Instead of running the NetWorker package from the interface, silent installation can be done from the command line.


Facts to consider

Install level: This is used to determine if installing a networker client, storage node or server.

  • Client: installlevel=100
  • Storage node: installlevel=200
  • Server: installlevel=300

INSTALLDIR: To install NetWorker to a non-default location


1. If the installation is attempted on a non default location, this will give error related to Home base agent installation and the follwoing message pops up:

Install_hba_response: Unable to create 'c:\Legato\HomeBaseAgent\', errno=2,doserrno=3). When click OK in Error message box, installation returns code -1603

To avoid the above error set the Home base agent installation to no:


2. Networker installation on windows requires that the networker is located under nsr. If installing from the GUI, it forces nsr to be appended, e.g. if c:\legato is specified, it is changed to c:\legato\nsr. When passing the install directory on the command line, nsr is not appended, which can cause problems. To avoid this create nsr directory under the desired location to be used by Networker.

Run the following command for the silent installation

XXX.exe /S /v" /qn /l*v filename.log INSTALLLEVEL=[Type of Install] NW_FIREWALL_CONFIG=1 HOMEBASEINSTALL=0 NOHBA=1 setuptype=Install"

Example for unattended NetWorker 7.x.x client install to default directory C:\Program Files\Legato\nsr run the follwoing

setup.exe /S /v" /qn /l*v setup.log INSTALLLEVEL=100 NW_FIREWALL_CONFIG=1 setuptype=Install"

Example for unattended NetWorker 7.x.x client install to a nondefault location:

setup.exe /S /v" /qf /l*v setup.log INSTALLLEVEL=100 NW_FIREWALL_CONFIG=1 INSTALLDIR=E:\nsr homebaseinstall=0 nohba=1 setuptype=install"

Note: If it is not intended to capture the logs during installation, remove "/ l*v filename.log"