Educational Links
From RiceFamily Wiki
Tip of the Day
- "If you are guilty, you need a lawyer. If you are innocent, you REALLY need a lawyer."
- When the cop first pulls you over, "Why did you pull me over?"
- If they start asking you qyuestions, say "I'm bot discussing my day."
- If they continue to question you, say "Am I being detained or am I free to go?"
- If you are being detained, say "I invoke the 5th Amendment"
- Then you SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
Books to read
Employment Issues
Other Stuff
- Shockwave Shadows in Ultra Slow Motion (Bullet Schlieren) - Smarter Every Day 203
- Internal Clitoris
- Stronger than Steel, Able to stop a speeding bullet - Super Wood
- Sticker shock - Why are glasses so expensive?
- XKCD graphic of Climate Change History
- Spirits Produced at home
- Three Week Diary Study - Sex Today Increases Sense of meaning in Life Tomorrow
- 507 Movements
- Solar Eclipse Timer
- Making a Telescope Optic
- Genaille Lucas Rulers
- Solar Eclipse Simulation for Durham
- Study Tips
- Sugar: The Bitter Truth
- Sony releases new stupid piece of shit that doesn't work - TheOnion rant about Sony stuff
- Realtime Weather
- Honey Bee Information
- Coursera: Learning how to learn
- Wooden Clock Information
- Who Are My Representatives
- 100 Skills
- The real truth about the 2008 financial crisis - Brian S. Wesbury - TEDxCountyLineRoad
- Training sites
- One Million Pounds
- After Death Occurs Checklist found on Reddit
- NASA Books available for Free Download
- NASA Books available for Free Downloads
- Books I Want to Read
- Weight Loss
- Block Chain Internet
- Finance Information
- Simon Sinek -
- Chris Voss - Negotiating
- The Real Meaning of E=mc² | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios - YouTube
- How the Earth moves through space